SAMAEL confirmed for Festival del Diablo in Bogota!

Samael will join Witchery for this year´s edition of Festival Del Diablo in Bogota, on November 25!


Witchery will join Aura Noir and 1349 for next year´s Netherlands Deathfest in Tilburg. Tickets are available now!

AXEL RUDI PELL and MY DYING BRIDE confirmed for Karmøygeddon 2018!

Axel Rudi Pell and My Dying Bride are confirmed for next year´s edition of the mighty Karmøygeddon Metal Festival in Norway! Stay tuned for more band announcements for this fine festival!

WITCHERY confirmed for Festival del Diablo in Bogotà!

Witchery will finally perform in Colombia, as part pf this year´s Festival El Diablo in Bogota, November 25!

SAMAEL confirmed for METALITALIA 2017!








SAMAEL will return to Italy on September 10, and perform at the MetalItalia festival!




TSJUDER confirmed for two new festivals in October!

Tsjuder confirmed for Mammothfest in Brighton, October 6 and Interceptor Festival in Bordeaux, October 7.


AURA NOIR confirmed for Party.San Open Air!

Aura Noir will bring their ugly black thrash to the legendary Party.San Metal Open Air in August! More information and tickets to be found here.

1349 and AURA NOIR confirmed for Netherlands Deathfest 2018!

1349 and Aura Noir are confirmed for next year´s edition of Netherlands Deathfest, taking place @ 013 in Eindhoven. More info can be found here!

Denner / Shermann to play first ever show in Norway!

The legendary Mercyful Fate-axemen Michael Denner and Hank Shermann have a new band, and Denner/Shermann will perform in Norway on August 26, at the Beyond The Gates festival in Bergen. This will mark the first show ever in Norway for these legends – don´t miss it!

Tickets are available here.


Tsjuder Latin America tour update: The band is making the last preparations for the tour and is ready!

The shows in Santiago and Rio De Janeiro have been cancelled from the promoter’s side. The updated routing is like this: 

15.03 – Mexico DF, Mexico @Cosa Nostra 16.03 – Guatemala City @Salon AGAYC 17.03 – El Salvador, San Salvador @Buhos 19.03 – Bogotá, Colombia @Samper Medonza 20.03 – Lima, Peru @The Blood 22.03 – Buenos Aires, Argentina @Mvseo… Continue reading