SAMAEL and TSJUDER confirmed for California Deathfest!

Samael and Tsjuder will both be performing at this year´s California Deathfest in Oakland, October 13-14. More information can be found here.

SAMAEL confirmed for Exit Fest in Serbia

Samael will be performing at this year´s exition of Exit Fest in Serbia in July. More information here.

AURA NOIR to tour Europe in May!

Aura Noir will tour Europe in May, together with Occulta as special guests. The dates are as follows: May 19: Oberhausen (D), Helvete May 20: Leiden (NL), De Nobel May 21: Arnhem (NL), Willemeen May 22: Paris (F), Petit Bain May 23: Antwerp (B), Het Bos May 24: Kassel (D), K19 May 25: Poznan (PL), U Bazyla May 26: Sebnitz (D), Wonnemond May 27: Berlin (D), Live Evil

For more information: check here.


AURA NOIR to return to Greece!

Aura Noir, the ugliest band in the world, will finally return to their devoted Greek fans, and perform two shows in October! More information here and here!

The dates are as follows: October 6: Athens, Kyttaro Club October 7: Thessaloniki, 8Ball

SAMAEL and EINHERJER confirmed for Brutal Assault!

SAMAEL and EINHERJER are confirmed for this year´s edition of the mighty Brutal Assault Festival in Czech Republic! Tickets are on sale now!

IMMORTAL recording update

Horgh has completed the recordings of the drums for the upcoming IMMORTAL album. Drums were recorded at Abyss Studios in Sweden, together with Peter Tägtgren, who already worked with IMMORTAL several times before. More news coming soon.

EINHERJER confirmed for 70.000 Tons Of Metal!

Einherjer has been added to this year´s 70.000 Tons Of Metal cruise, departing from Ft. Lauderdale February 2. The band has made a special event t-shirt that will be sold on the cruise, and they will perform two different sets on the festival.


TSJUDER add Lima date to the Latin America tour!

Tsjuder updated South America tour itinerary – Lima added to the tour!

15.03 – Mexico DF, Mexico @Circo Volador 16.03 – Guatemala City @Salon Agayc 17.03 – El Salvador, San Salvador @Buhos 19.03 – Bogotá, Colombia @Samper Mendonza 20.03 – Lima, Peru @The Blood 21.03 – Santiago, Chile @Blondie 22.03 – Buenos Aires, Argentina @Mvseo Rock 24.03 – São Paulo, Brazil @Clash Club 25.03 – Recife, Brazil @Estelita 26.03 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @Teatro Odisséia

SAMAEL sign new record deal with Napalm Records!

Black metal pioneers SAMAEL from Switzerland have signed a worldwide record deal with Napalm Records! The band is working on a new album, which will be released later in 2017.

Napalm’s A&R Sebastian Münch states:  “I could not be prouder! Today we would like to announce the worldwide signing of the Swiss cult band SAMAEL! SAMAEL has created some of the most lethal and authentic Black Metal albums with “Blood Ritual” and “Ceremony of Opposites”! With a more… Continue reading

SAMAEL to headline Metalmania Festival 2017

Samael is celebrating 30th anniversary next year, and is releasing a new album. On April 22, the band will headline the return of the mighty MetalMania Festival in Katowice, Poland.   The band will perform a special set featuring material from the first four albums, and present new songs from the upcoming album.   Get ready for a very special show!   Tickets are available now!