TSJUDER streaming new album

Tsjuder´s new album “Antiliv” is released September 18 through Season Of Mist, and can be streamed through these links. The album is released as double vinyl, regular CD and special edition box with 5 bonus tracks, and can be purchased here.

Metal Hammer (DE) www.metal-hammer.de/tsjuder-exklusiver-vorab-stream-von-antiliv-513233/

Rockzone (ES) www.zona-zero.net/news/2015/09/15/20683-estrenamos-el-nuevo-disco-de-tsjuder

Inferno (FI) www.inferno.fi/uutiset/musiikkia-elamaa-vastaan-kuuntele-tsjuderin-uusi-albumi/

VS-Webzine (FR) www.vs-webzine.com/InfoVS-AVANT+PREMIERE+%3A+TSJUDERVS+webzine+%26+Season+of+-82263.html

Rocking (GR) www.rocking.gr/news/Apokleistiko-Akouste-olokliro-ton-neo-disko-twn-Tsjuder/25336/

Lángoló Gitárok (HU) http://langologitarok.blog.hu/2015/09/15/eletellenes_tsjuder-albumpremier

Andfari (IS) http://wp.me/p2QsCg-zQ

Metalitalia (IT) http://metalitalia.com/articolo/tsjuder-ascolta-antiliv-per-intero-in-anteprima-su-metalitalia-com/

Lords of Metal (NL) www.lordsofmetal.nl/nl/streams/view/id/210

Metal Hammer (NO) http://hammer.kenspo.net/?p=1274… Continue reading

10th anniversary for 1349’s “Hellfire” album!

1349 – 10 YEARS OF “HELLFIRE” In 2005, 1349 released a monumental album in “Hellfire”.  It was the 1349’s third studio album, and perfectly captured the band’s intense atmosphere along with its unrelenting speed and aggression.  From the ferociousness of the album opener, “I Am Abomination”, to the 13 minute, 49 second epic title track, the “Hellfire” album propelled 1349 to international acclaim. It is rare that 1349 look to the past, but for *one night only*, the… Continue reading

1349 confirmed for Blastfest 2016!

1349 has joined the lineup for Blastfest 2016 as well. They are performing on the main stage, Friday February 19th. Get ready for Aural Hellfire in Bjørgvin!

Tickets are selling fast, so get yours now!

Einherjer confirmed for Blastfest 2016!

Einherjer has joined the all-Norwegian lineup of bands that will perform at next year´s Blastfest in Bergen. Einherjer is performing on the main stage, Saturday February 20th. Tickets are selling fast, so get yours now!

Aura Noir to perform annual show at Revolver, Oslo!

Aura Noir will once again visit the small but great venue Revolver in Oslo, and serve a solid dose of ugly black thrash! Don´t miss this chance to see the band in a uniqe and sweaty setting!

Tickets are limited, and available now!

EINHERJER confirmed for Karmøygeddon 2016!

Einherjer will return to the 2016 edition of Karmøygeddon to perform their 20 year old classic album “Dragons Of The North” for this great festival. Don´t miss this special show on their hometurf! Tickets are on sale now!

Photo: Steinar Sortland

IHSAHN to return to the UK!

IHSAHN will return to the UK for an exclusive show at The Underworld in London, on November 14. More info on the event can be found here.

Tickets are on sale now.

IMMORTAL: new songs in progress!

IMMORTAL: New songs in progressNorway’s unstoppable black metal force IMMORTAL has been busy working on the band’s new material. The band’s members Demonaz and Horgh have also gone through a legal process the last year, having to protect their band’s name and logo from their previous singer.

In October 2014, ex-IMMORTAL singer/guitarist Abbath (Olve Eikemo) filed an trademark application for registration of the brand IMMORTAL to Patentstyret (Norwegian Industrial Property Office) without informing the other band members. The band’s core… Continue reading

SAMAEL confirmed for 70K TONS OF METAL 2016!

Samael has joined the lineup for next year´s edition of 70.000 Tons Of Metal, sailing from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Falmouth, Jamaica. Tickets are available now.

AURA NOIR confirmed for 70K TONS OF METAL 2016!

Aura Noir has joined the lineup for next year´s edition of 70.000 Tons Of Metal, sailing from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Falmouth, Jamaica. Tickets are available now.