1349 on the cover of Scream Magazine

1349 is the coverstory of the September issue of Scream Magazine.



1349 confirmed for Inferno Festival 2015

1349 is confirmed for next year´s edition of Inferno Festival in Oslo. Expect a MASSIVE show from the band!

“It is with great excitement that we will set ablaze our Aural Hellfire at Inferno 2015. Indeed – the Fire of Hell shall burn, the Cauldron shall boil, and the very air shall fucking explode. COME FEEL THE FIRE.” – 1349

Tsjuder confirmed for 2015´s Wolfszeit Festival

Tsjuder will be performing at next year´s edition of Wolfszeit-Festival in Germany. The festival dates are August 27-29, 2015. For more information, please check the official website.

Sarke confirmed for Blastfest 2015

Sarke will perform one of their rare shows at next year´s Blastfest in Bergen, Norway. Other acts include Dark Funeral, Borknagar, Destruction, Tsjuder and Rotting Christ.

Get your tickets here!


Aura Noir pre-Christmas show in Oslo!

Aura Noir is performing their annual pre-Christmas show in Oslo @ Revolver, December 19th! Tickets on sale now!

Khold to release new album “Til Endes”

After a period of 6 years in the wilderness, Norway’s exponents of groove-laden black metal are back with a new album, ‘Til Endes‘ set for release on 29th September on Peaceville Records.

“Til Endes”, undoubtedly the band’s strongest work to date explores the dark foreboding corners of the metal spectrum with eerie riffs, grim vocals courtesy of mysterious frontman Gard, and catchy hooks which are so often ignored in the genre. Expanding upon Khold’s staple sound of mid-tempo primitive &… Continue reading

1349 releaseparty for the new album

1349 will perform a special show in an intimate setting, at the venue “Pokalen” in Oslo, marking the release of the new album “Massive Cauldron Of Chaos”. Don´t miss this chance to see 1349 at this special show!

Tickets are available here.

Aura Noir confirmed for Mörkaste Småland

Aura Noir will be performing at this year´s “Mörkaste Småland” festival in Hultsfred, Sweden. The dates are September 26-27. Other bands include Naglfar, Primordial, Demonical and Necrophobic.

For more information: http://morkastesmaland.se/band/


Einherjer, Twilight Of The Gods confirmed for MDF 2015!

Next year´s edition of Maryland Deathfest in Baltimore will have a solid Norwegian dominance, and Photograve Management can confirm both Einherjer and Twilight Of The Gods for next year´s festival as well. Both bands will be playing exclusive US performances at the festival.




Aura Noir, Tsjuder confirmed for Maryland Deathfest 2015!

Aura Noir and Tsjuder will both return to Baltimore and next year´s edition of Maryland Deathfest, taking place May 21-24, 2015.
